atLeaf FT Green LLC
FT Green LLC is known for developing the atLEAF Portable Relative Leaf Chlorophyll Level Meter, an effective system that provides immediate information without the need to go to a laboratory.
Manufacturer information:
FT Green LLC engineers have written unique software for the atLEAF device and are constantly improving it.
What is atLEAF that allowed a small American company, FT Green LLC, to gain worldwide fame? This is a compact, portable yet powerful device that allows you to quickly and non-invasively measure chlorophyll levels in green leaves. In order to conduct a study, simply attach a sheet up to 3 mm thick to the sensor.
FT Green LLC offers the atLEAF chlorophyll meter in three versions:
atLEAF STD - base model;
atLEAF PLUS - an improved model with a USB connector;
atLEAF BLUE is a device that can connect via both USB and Bluetooth.
The atLEAF PLUS device allows you to store up to 490 titles and up to 9554 measurement data, transfer information to a PC and other gadgets, display time and temperature, program measurement modes and much more.
The atLEAF BLUE device also allows you to issue “commands” to the device remotely via a Bluetooth connection.