Eurasian National University Named L.N. Gumilev
Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov - founded by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev dated May 23, 1996 on the basis of the merger of two universities - the Tselinograd Civil Engineering Institute and the Tselinograd Pedagogical Institute.
For 2022, the contingent of students is 19588 people: students - 15958 people, undergraduates - 2535 people, doctoral students - 1095 people.
Scientific research is carried out at the faculties and in 30 research units of ENU. ENU publishes 17 scientific journals, 3 of which are included in the world bibliometric databases (Web of Science and Scopus), and 8 in the Russian Science Citation Index. There are 26 dissertation councils for the defense of candidate dissertations.
Since 2017, the Youth Business Incubator has been operating to develop entrepreneurship among student youth.
Educational activities are focused on training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, the useful needs of the industrial and innovative development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the demands of the internal and external labor market.
The preparation of bachelors is carried out in 111, masters - 116, PhD - 56 programs.
42 programs are implemented in English, 25 are double degree programs. For the first time in 2020, a postdoctoral program was launched.
University students are actively involved in the implementation of socially significant republican projects. Widespread volunteer movement. More than 1500 ENU activists are realized in economic work.
For one participant in the development of creative student associations, 85 youth clubs and associations work.
ENU has published 17 scientific journals, 3 of which are included in the world bibliometric databases.
There are 22 dissertation councils for the defense of candidate dissertations.
Since 2017, the Youth Business Incubator has been operating to develop entrepreneurship among student youth, where more than 100 projects have been accelerated.