Kazakh National Agrarian Research University
The Kazakh National Agrarian Research University was founded in 1929 in Almaty. The university's research activities are aimed at solving problems in the agricultural sector not only in our country, but throughout the world.
At KazNAIU we cover the entire chain of knowledge from fundamental to applied research in all priority areas of development of the agro-industrial complex.
Elite innovative university, leader in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan, Middle and Central Asia:
- carrying out the scientific and educational process at the level of international standards in partnership with research organizations and the real sector of the economy;
- being a driver of innovative agricultural research and transformations in the country’s agriculture;
- ensuring the dissemination of knowledge and technologies, the formation and development of innovative scientific and educational infrastructure;
- guaranteeing the creation of conditions for the development of human capital;
- included in the list of 400 universities in the world ranking of the QS agency.