Turnip Yellows Virus RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Specific detection of Turnip Yellows Virus.
Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Recommended in EPPO PM7/146(2). This kit has been validated during an EU-wide Test performance study in the frame of the Horizon2020 project VALITEST (www.valitest.eu)
Tobamovirus Broad Range RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Primers according to Dovas CI. et al. 2004 Tobamoviruses tested: BPeMV, CGMMV, KGMMV, ORSV, PaMMV, PMMoV, RMV, SFBV, TMGMV, TMV, ToBRFV, ToMMV, ToMV, TVCV, YMoV, ZGMMV
Potyvirus universal RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Primers according to Zheng L. et al. 2009 In-house validation with more than 40 Potyviruses
Plum Pox Virus RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Isolates of subgroups PPV-C, PPV-CR, PPV-D, PPV-El Amar, PPV-M, PPV-rec, PPV-W tested positive
Cucumber Mosaic Virus I and II Duplex RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Simultaneous detection and discrimination of CMV subgroup I and subgroup II within one-tube one-step RT-PCR.
Cherry Leafroll Virus RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Tested for Beech, Walnut, Birch and Elderberry isolates.
Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus/ Beet Soil‐Borne Virus/ Beet Virus Q Triplex RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Simultaneous detection and discrimination of beet viruses BNYVV, BSBV and BVQ within one-tube one-step PCR reaction.
Barley Mild Mosaic Virus / Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus Duplex RNA PCR
Assay type: RNA PCR (End-point) Simultaneous detection and discrimination of barley viruses BaMMV and BaYMV within one-tube one-step RT-PCR.