FT Green LLC is known for developing the atLEAF Portable Relative Leaf Chlorophyll Level Meter, an effective system that provides immediate information without the need to go to a laboratory.
Manufacturer information:
FT Green LLC engineers have written unique software for the atLEAF device and are constantly improving it.
What is atLEAF that allowed a small American company, FT Green LLC, to gain worldwide fame? This is a compact, portable yet powerful device that allows you to quickly and non-invasively measure chlorophyll levels in green leaves. In order to conduct a study, simply attach a sheet up to 3 mm thick to the sensor.
FT Green LLC offers the atLEAF chlorophyll meter in three versions:
atLEAF STD - base model;
atLEAF PLUS - an improved model with a USB connector;
atLEAF BLUE is a device that can connect via both USB and Bluetooth.
The atLEAF PLUS device allows you to store up to 490 titles and up to 9554 measurement data, transfer information to a PC and other gadgets, display time and temperature, program measurement modes and much more.
The atLEAF BLUE device also allows you to issue “commands” to the device remotely via a Bluetooth connection.